CSDL Bài trích Báo - Tạp chí

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161 Tác dụng giảm đau và chống viêm cấp của viên nang mềm Tecan trên thực nghiệm / Vũ Việt Hằng, Phạm Thị Vân Anh // Nghiên cứu Y học - Trường ĐH Y Hà Nội .- 2022 .- Tập 157 - Số 09 .- Tr. 140-146 .- 615

Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm đánh giá tác dụng giảm đau và chống viêm cấp của viên nang mềm Tecan (chiết xuất từ rễ xạ can) trên thực nghiệm. Các mô hình gây quặn đau bằng acid acetic và mô hình mâm nóng được sử dụng để đánh giá tác dụng giảm đau của Tecan trên chuột nhắt trắng chủng Swiss.

162 Kết quả của "Sài hồ sơ can tán" kết hợp "Ô bối tán" trong điều trị hội chứng trào ngược dạ dày thực quản / Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tú, Lý Hải Yến // Nghiên cứu Y học - Trường ĐH Y Hà Nội .- 2022 .- Tập 157 - Số 09 .- Tr. 147-155 .- 615

Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm đánh giá tác dụng của bài thuốc "Sài hồ sơ can tán" kết hợp "Ô bối tán" trong điều trị hội chứng trào ngược dạ dày thực quản và theo dõi tác dụng không mong muốn của bài thuốc trên lâm sàng và cận lâm sàng Nghiên cứu can thiệp, so sánh trước sau và có đối chứng. 60 bệnh nhân được chẩn đoán hội chứng trào ngược dạ dày thực quản được chia thành hai nhóm đảm bảo tương đồng về tuổi, giới, mức độ trào ngược theo thang điểm GERD - Q. Nhóm nghiên cứu được sử dụng bài thuốc "Sài hồ sơ can tán" kết hợp "Ô bối tán" liều dùng 39 g/ngày, nhóm đối chứng sử dụng Lomec (Omeprazol) liều dùng 40 mg/ngày, thời gian điều trị 1 tháng.

163 Tác dụng điều trị đái tháo đường type 2 bằng Metformin kết hợp bài thuốc "Bát tiên trường thọ" trên một số chỉ số cận lâm sàng / Vũ Việt Hằng, Đặng Văn Cường, Trần Thị Minh Quyên // Nghiên cứu Y học - Trường ĐH Y Hà Nội .- 2022 .- Tập 157 - Số 09 .- Tr. 156-162 .- 615

Nghiên cứu nhằm đánh giá tác dụng của Metformin kết hợp bài thuốc Bát tiên trường thọ trong cải thiện 1 số chỉ số cận lâm sàng trên bệnh nhân đái tháo đường type 2 (theo YHHĐ) và Tiêu khát thể Hạ tiêu (theo YHCT). Nghiên cứu tiến cứu trên 30 bệnh nhân, so sánh kết quả trước và sau điều trị.

164 Effects of augmentation with Bacillus sp. DT1 on carbonfuran degradation and bacterial community in soil / Ha Danh Duc, Tran Dat Huy, Nguyen Thi Thanh, Ha Huynh Hong Vu, Nguyen Thanh Hung, Tran Ngoc Chau // Academia Journal of Biology .- 2022 .- Vol 44 - N2 .- P. 13-20 .- 570

Carbofuran is frequently applied to crop fields to combat insects globally causing serious environmental pollution. In this study, the enhanced degradation of carbofuran in soil by augmentation with Bacillus sp. DT1 was determined. The results showed that the augmentation with the bacterial strain increased the degradation by almost 30% compared to attenuation after 30 days at an initial concentration of 10 mg/kg dry soil. The half-life values of the insecticide were 41.6 and 17.9 days for attenuation and augmentation, respectively. Moreover, the augmentation with Bacillus sp. DT1 significantly increased sequence numbers of 16 S rRNA in soil compared to the initial stage. However, α-diversity indices, i.e., values of OTUs, ACE, Chao1 and Shannon showed no statistical differences in soil with and without the insecticide addition, with and without augmentation after 30 days. These results showed that carbofuran did not inhibit or stimulate the growth of soil bacteria at 10 mg/kg dry soil.

165 Trematode larval infections in snails collected from aquaculture ponds in Ha Noi and Yen Bai, Vietnam / Nguyen Manh Hung // Academia Journal of Biology .- 2022 .- Vol 44 - N2 .- P. 43-52 .- 570

The hot-spots of transmission of food-borne zoonotic trematodes in northern Vietnam have been known as the integrated fish-livestock (VAC- Garden, Fish pond, Poultry shed) ponds. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Ha Noi capital and Yen Bai province to investigate the trematode larval infections (cercariae) in freshwater snails in these areas. Snails were collected from 35 VAC ponds, including 25 grow-out and 10 nursery ponds. A total of 13,895 specimens of 12 snail species were examined for cercariae shedding. Six of 12 snail species including Melanoides tuberculata, Tarebia granifera, Radix auriculata, Gyraulus convexiusculus, Bithynia fuchsiana and Parafosarulus manchouricus, shed cercariae. Seven cercarial types were detected. The amount of snails and the prevalent infection in nursery ponds were 1.14 and 1.3 times higher than in grow-out ponds, respectively. Thus, VAC ponds in northern Vietnam are still the hot-spot for trematode larval infection.

166 In silico study of cytochrome P450 alleles and phenotypic distribution in Vietnamese population / Pham Ngoc Ha, Nguyen Phan Tuan, Trinh Thi Xuan, Truong Nam Hai, Tran Dang Hung, Nguyen Cuong // Công nghệ sinh học - Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology .- 2022 .- Vol 20 - N2 .- P. 197-212 .- 615

Cytochrome P450 enzymes play an important role in phase I drug metabolism, accounting for approximately 75% of the enzymatic processes. We investigated the allele and phenotypic distributions of five important CYPgenes (CYP2B6, CYP3A5, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6) in the Vietnamese population by using Stargazer and the PharmCAT tool to call star alleles and translating them into phenotypes based on the available dataset of PharmGKB. We compared our computational analysis of the Vietnamese distributions with those of East Asia, Europe, America and other super populations,as well aswith previous experimental research. The allele frequencies and phenotypic distributions of the five important CYPgenes in the Vietnamese population are similar to those in East Asia while significantly different fromother populations. In silico analysis also provided consistent results with previous experimental studies. In addition, the resultant data from our research contributes to the database of genetic variations in pharmacogenetics and constructs the fundamentals for future basic and applied research.

167 The first record of Metacordyceps neogunnii (Metacordyceps, Clavicipitaceae) isolated from larva of Lepidoptera in Vietnam: morphological, phylogenetic characterization and chemical constituent analysis / Lao Duc Thuan, Le Huyen Ai Thuy, Le Cong Hac, Nguyen Hoang Mai, Nguyen Van Giang, Truong Binh Nguyen // Công nghệ sinh học - Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology .- 2022 .- Vol 20 - N2 .- P. 317-327 .- 615

An entomopathogenic fungus, specimen DL0091 parasitized on the larvae of Lepidoptera, was collected from Lang Biang Biosphere Reserve, located in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam. The specimen DL0091 has been analyzed to be contained numerous chemical constituents, especially containing adenosine of 634 mg/Kg and cordycepin of 35.2 mg/Kg. Due to containing many bioactive compounds, DL0091 was promised to be a precious natural source that could be applied in fields of medicine and function food for health care. For classification, based on the morphology analysis, it was identified as Metacordyceps neogunnii (Metacordyceps, Clavicipitaceae) sharing the similar characteristics of M. neogunnii T.C. Wen & K.D. Hyde. Morphology of this species differed from Cordyceps neogunnii (Berk.) Berk., by many characteristics, such as the larger stroma of DL0091 (15–130 mm x 2–6 mm), of asci (550–680 μm × 5–8 μm), etc. Additionally, the combined multi-gene phylogenetic analysis, including ITS, Tef and Rpb1, well supported its systematic position in the clade of M. neogunnii, which was used as traditional herb in China and other Asian countries. In summary, DL0091 was identified as M. neogunnii, containing many bioactive compounds, could be used as the medicinal potential in human healthcare.

168 Optimization of Citrus limon peel extraction, determination of main chemical components and effectiveness in repellency against Aedes mosquito dengue fever vector / Phung Thi Kim Hue, Tran Van Loc, Le Tri Vien, Le Dung Sy, Ho Viet Hieu, Le Thi Nhung, Le Thanh Do, Pham Thi Khoa // Công nghệ sinh học - Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology .- 2022 .- Vol 20 - N2 .- P. 329-338 .- 615

In this study, we collected the discarded Citrus limon peel source in Gia Lai province to utilize as a material to build an optimized extraction process with the following criteria: extraction solvent, solvent/sample ratio, extraction temperature, and extraction time. The results showed a stable extraction process with a maximum extraction efficiency of 4.02%, at 40°C, for 3 hours, with two extraction times using 95% ethanol for solvent. Using GC/MS method, the determined limonene content accounted for 12.2% of the extract. The Citrus limon peel extract exhibited potency against Aedes aegypti (arbovirus vector) at a concentration of 0.01 mL, with protection time of 70 minutes and biting percentage of 0.9%, compared to negative control with statistically significant (P < 0.05). The above results correspond with the most recent publications about the effects of mosquito repellence of certain plant-based essential oils. This study has proven that Citrus limon peel in this locality signifies a promising candidature for future studies regarding its main active compound, limonene, in the control of dengue-transmitting vectors. Therefore, Citrus limon peel extract brings hope to develop new mosquito repellency products in the future.

169 Purification and characterization of recombinant nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis R0H1 / Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan, Le Tuan, Nguyen Lan Huong // Công nghệ sinh học - Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology .- 2022 .- Vol 20 - N2 .- P. 369-377 .- 615

In this study, recombinant NK from B. subtilis R0H1 was purified using two-step membrane filtration. Results showed 3.2-fold increase in activity and a recovery rate of more than 80%. Molecular weight of NK was approximately 28 kDa and its fibrinolytic degradation capacity was proved according to SDS-PAGE. The optimal pH and temperature of this NK were 8.5 and 55°C, respectively. The enzyme activity was boosted by Mg2+, Ca2+ and obviously inhibited by Co2+, Zn+2, Fe2+, and SDS. The apparent Km and Vmax with fibrin as the substrate were 3.08 mM and 6.7 nmol/min, respectively. The results suggested that membrane filtration is a useful method for purification of recombinant NK from B. subtilis R0H1. Therefore, application of membrane system is proposed to purify NK at the pilot scale. In addition, our findings indicated that recombinant NK produced in B. subtilis R0H1 showed high and stable proteolytic activity in slightly alkaline pH and at high temperature. It also exhibited strong fibrinolytic activity again both substrates: fibrinogen and fibrin.

170 Combining of silk fibroin and Aloe vera gel to fabricate wound dressings / Vu Nguyen Doan, Ha Le Bao Tran // Công nghệ sinh học - Vietnam Journal of Biotechnology .- 2022 .- Vol 20 - N1 .- P. 89-97 .- 615

Currently silk fibroin is used more and more in the biomedical researches, including a potential research direction in creating wound dressing. Aloe vera gel has been used as a traditional herbal with many properties suitable for treatment of burns such as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, especially improvable wound healing. Therefore, the prepared fibroin/ Aloe vera gel film (FAV) was an ideal material for wound dressings. In this study, sericin is removed from the silk to obtain fibroin fiber. Aloe vera gel is purchased from Traditional Medicine Institute, Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam. Fibroin fiber and Aloe vera gel are dissolved by formic acid adding calcium chloride (CaCl2). Created FAV are then evaluated in some characteristics such as surface structure, tensile strength, absorbency, dehydration rate, biodegradation ability, preventing bacteria ability and cytotoxicity test. The results showed that FAV possessed good mechanical properties, suitable water vapor transmission rate, effective prevention of bacterial penetration and non-cytotoxic. This study is the first step to creating foundation and orientation for the development of commercial wound dressings.