CSDL Luận văn _ Luận án

Khoa Tiếng Anh

  • Duyệt theo:
An analysis of the suggested translation of the chapter 2 and chapter 3 from the book "learning to love yourself" written by Gay Handricks, 2014
  • Tác giả: Bui Thi Tuyet Linh |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyen Quynh Chi |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

This graduation paper is a translation and an analysis the book “Learning to Love Yourself” written by Gay Hendricks. This book was originally publish in 2014. However, the time is limited; I decided to choose chapter 2 and 3 from the book to translate and analize the structures and vocabulary. The graduation paper includes the theoretical background, the original version, the suggested translation, and the analysis of vocabulary and structures for the translation process. Futhermore, I hope my suggested version can give necessary information and knowledge who want to know clearly about this field.

An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 12 from the book "leading apple with Steve Jobs - management lessons from a controversial genius" by Jay Elliot, 2012
  • Tác giả: Nguyen Duc Nhat Tam |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Bui Thi Chung |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

Chapter 1: The theoretical background of translation; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: An analysis of the Suggested version; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.

An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 1,2 & 3 from the book "The first phone call from heaven" by Mitch Albom, 2013
  • Tác giả: Nguyen Duc Anh Tuan |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Bui Thi Kim Phung |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

This graduation paper is about the Literature field. Specifically, I decided to translate chapters 1, 2 & 3 of the book "The First Phone Call from Heaven" from English into Vietnamese. This book was written by Mitch Albom and published in 2013. Besides, I will provide some background knowledge of Translation Theory, the suggested translation and analysis of some special vocabulary and structures. Furthermore, I will point out the difficulties that I met during the completion of this graduation paper and provide some solutions to overcome those difficulties.

The analysis of a suggested translation of chapter 15 from the book "money, banking, and financial markets" (3RD edition) by Stephen G. Cecchetti and Kermit L. Schoenholtz, 2010
  • Tác giả: Bui Thi Thuy Trinh |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Mai Lan Thi |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

Chapter 1: Theorical background of translation; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: Analysis; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.

An analysis of a suggested translation of chapter 2,3 and 4 from the book "20 minute manager - giving effective feedback" by Chris Throness, 2014
  • Tác giả: Cao Thi Thuc Hoanh |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyen Thi Dieu Tram |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

This graduation paper is about business field. I translate from chapter 2 “Choosing When to Give Feedback” to chapter 4 “Developing an Action Plan” of the book “20 Minute Manager - Giving Effective Feedback” by Chris Throness from English into Vietnamese and analyze its vocabulary and structure of the suggested translation version.