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Chủ đề: English--Translation

  • Duyệt theo:
An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 9 from the book “the travel industry” (3rd edition) by Chuck Y.Gee, Jame C.Makens and Dexter J.L. Choy
  • Tác giả: Vo Thi Thuy Trang |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: MA. Kieu Thi Dong Thanh |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Du lịch

Chapter 1: Theoretical background; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: Analysis; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.

An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter III “health and restoration” from the book “ tourist experience and fulfilment” by Sebastian Filet and Philip Pearce, 2014
  • Tác giả: Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: MA. Phan Thi Le Huyen |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

Chapter 1: Theoretical background; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: Analysis; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.

An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter I “Happiness and humour” from the book “Tourist experience and fulfilment” – by: Sebaslian Filep and Philip Pearce, 2014
  • Tác giả: Le Thi Hong Ha |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: MA. Phan Thi Le Huyen |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

Chapter 1: Theoretical background; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: Analysis; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.

An analysis of a suggested translation of chapter 7 “external environment” in “ecotourism” by David weaver
  • Tác giả: Luong Thi Viet Phuong |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyen Manh Quang, M.A |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

Chapter 1: Theoretical background; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: Analysis; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.

The analysis of a suggested translation of chapter 3 “Role in society and in education” of the book “Foundation of physical education, exercise science and sport” by Deborah A. Wuest, Charles Bucher, 2009
  • Tác giả: Le Thi Nam |
  • Giảng viên hướng dẫn: MA. Le Thi Dieu Huong |
  • Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Anh Biên - Phiên dịch

Chapter 1: Theoretical background; Chapter 2: Suggested translation; Chapter 3: Analysis; Chapter 4: Difficulties and solutions.