Overview of differences between analogue insulin and human insulin in the management of diabetes: Efficacy, limitation, and cost
Tác giả: Huynh Nguyen Phuong Anh, Nguyen Huu Duong, Cao Thi My Hanh, Nong Thi Huyen Trang, Vo Thi Bich Lien, Nguyen Thi Mai DieuTóm tắt:
Insulin therapy is the primary therapy in the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) patients. And is an additional therapy for patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), which is combined with Non-insulin drugs in order to be more effective in treatment [4]. Choosing the right type of insulin for each patient plays an important role in ensuring that the treatment is highly effective, minimizing the side effects caused by the drug and bringing many economic benefits to the patients. In order to compare the differences between two types of insulin currently available on the market, analogue insulin and human insulin in the treatment of T1D and T2D, this study used literature review method to collect and analysis information from documents, books, papers, researches conducted and published scientifically from 2010 to now with content related to Diabetes mellitus (DM) and insulin preparations. Results: For T1D patients, rapid-acting insulin analogues (RAIAs) were more effective in glycemic control and less hypoglycemic compared to regular insulin human (RHI). The prevalence of hypoglycemia in T1D patients, who are treated with basal insulin analogue, is relatively lower than medium-acting insulin (Neutral Protamine Hagedorn - NPH). In patients with T2D, the combination of basal analogue insulin with oral agents increases the likelihood of achieving target blood glucose (HbA1C ≤ 7%) and reduces the rate of hypoglycemia higher than NPH insulin [5]. Despite the cost of treatment is higher than human insulin, but analogue insulins are still recommended for treatment in T1D patients because of the effects and benefits it provides. For some patients who have difficulty in the cost of treatment, the use of human insulin or mixed insulins also helps the patient to achieve the glycemic goal.
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