An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 2 “Amazing Thailand-another look at an ever-changing food culture” from the book “Food culture of Southeast Asia: perspective of social science and food science” by Wahyudi David and Daniel Kofahl (
Tóm tắt:
This graduation thesis mentions the Vietnamese translation of the report “Food culture of Southeast Asia: perspective of social science and food science” compiled by Wahyudi David and Daniel Kofahl (Eds.) with chapter 2 “Amazing Thailand - another look at an ever-changing food culture". The report is republished in 2021 - a difficult year for the whole world caused by the covid-19 epidemic. The graduation thesis includes the theoretical background, the original version, the suggested translation, and the analysis of many difficult vocabularies and structures in the translation process. Besides, at the end of the graduation thesis, I also list some difficulties and offer some solutions for students to better translate.
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- Giải pháp thúc đẩy xuất khẩu sản phẩm cao su tại Công ty cổ phần cao su Đà Nẵng
- An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 2 from the book "make it stick: the science of successful learning " by Peter C. Brown, Mark A. Mcdaniel and Henry l. Roediger III, 2014