An analysis of the suggested translation from the report "Communicating climate change during the covid-19 crisis" by Climate Outreach, 2020
Tóm tắt:
I choose the topic “An Analysis of a Suggested Translation from the Report "Communicating climate change during the covid-19 crisis" by Climate Outreach, 2020”. The report analyzes media and environment amid the widespread through the conceptual focal point of natural communication. I take the beat of natural communication beneath COVID-19, noticing that whereas the amount of media scope on key natural issues has fallen amid the cover scope of the widespread, COVID-19 has acted on numerous levels as a minute of rambling alter in natural communication. I hope that through the suggested version, I can provide insights into what effective climate communications can look like during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis and raise awareness of people even more, as well as analyze the ways for proper translating and dealing with challenges phrases and structure.
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