An analysis of the suggested translation of chapters 5 and 6 from the book "Leading apple with steve jobs- management lessons from a controversial genius" by Jay Elliot, 2012
Tóm tắt:
The book “Leading Apple with Steve Jobs - management lessons from a controversial genius” is an excellent book that describes how-to management lessons drawn from Jay Elliot's observations of Steve Jobs’ day-by-day leadership. Therefore, I definitely choose chapter 5 “Unusual Interviewing Techniques” and chapter 6 “To Protect Innovation, Create a Company within a Company” to translate into Vietnamese from the book “Leading Apple with Steve Jobs - management lessons from a controversial genius “by Jay Elliot, 2012. In these pages, you will find practical examples that show how Steve’s leadership principles can be used in the everyday worlds of business, product development, and recruiting and managing people.
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