An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 2 from the book “Irrational persistence: seven secrets that turned a bankrupt startup into a $231,000,000 business” by Dave Zilko, 2016
Tóm tắt:
In the book “Irrational Persistence”, the founders of Garden Fresh have built a lot of their strategic advantages into the product. You will learn the actions needed to build into a product that everyone recognizes. Besides, the strategies, methods, and stubbornness have helped two boys from Detroit build their brand and be ranked the top in the market. On the other hand, the book tells of the “irrational persistence” of two entrepreneurs who have come up from not exactly cash flow positive. This is like a precious story to convey to the reader the heartfelt things, it takes irrational persistence from these two guys to make decisions, and sacrifice themselves when building their brand. Hence, Garden Fresh Gourmet, the story of two guys is an inspiration to the whole journey of us – the ways that you run all things also is a crucial problem. In addition, this book provides precious knowledge of the awakening about the importance of strategies in business. As a result, from the book, the reader draws a lot of meaningful lessons about “irrational persistence” from two entrepreneurs.
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- An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 2 from the book "make it stick: the science of successful learning " by Peter C. Brown, Mark A. Mcdaniel and Henry l. Roediger III, 2014