An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter I from the book “Out to work- a history of wage-earning women in the united states” by Alice Kessler-Harris, 2003
Tóm tắt:
My area of expertise is interpreting and translating. The topic I chose for my graduation thesis was a suggested translation of chapter I entitled: “Forming the female wage labor force: colonial America to the civil war” of the book “OUT TO WORK – A history of wage-earning women in the United States” by Alice Kessler-Harris. This book traces the transformation of "women's work" into wage labor in the United States, identifying the social, economic, and ideological forces that have shaped our expectations of what women do, examines the influence of class, ethnic and racial patterns on changing perceptions of salaried work on women. This graduation helps translators improve their translation skills and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the translation.
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