An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 3 & 4 from the book "It happened one summer" by Tessa Bailey, 2021
Tóm tắt:
The first thing that I want to mention is the contemporary romance between the two main characters - Piper and Brendan in Westport, the fishing village where Piper was born. Two individuals with two utter dissimilar lives - a trendy city girl forced to spend her summers in a fishing village and a rugged fishing boat captain - met, attracted to each other, and then fell in love. They overcame several challenges and reached a happy ending. Another thing that excites me equally is the transformation of Piper. During her time living in the fishing village, she went from a flighty party girl socialite to someone who understood the value of money, hard work, and what real love is. She found value in herself with the help of Brendan, her sister Hannah, and the people in the small town. In addition, the affection between Piper and Hannah is also admirable. They genuinely care about one another, and there is never any disagreement between them regarding the decisions they make. Finally, I hope that the suggested translation will be enjoyable for Vietnamese readers who are interested in this book as well as provide everyone with an analysis of the ways for proper translating and dealing with challenging phrases and structures.
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