An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter F from "Key data on early childhood education and care in Europe" by Eurydice and Eurostat report
Tóm tắt:
The chapter F "Teaching Processes" in the sixth chapter of the seven chapter report by Eurydice and Eurostat. Countries have issued steering documents which set out what the educational component of ECEC should be and what age range it should cover, the objectives, educational content and teaching approaches. The question of whether children are assesses to determine their progress towards any desired learning outcomes is also raised. Measures to facilitate the transition between different stages of ECEC, discusses admission to primary education and the role of the key participants. Examines the partnerships established by ECEC providers with parents and the wider community, looks at the types of support available to parents within ECEC settings.
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- An analysis of the suggested translation of chapter 2 from the book "make it stick: the science of successful learning " by Peter C. Brown, Mark A. Mcdaniel and Henry l. Roediger III, 2014