CSDL Bài trích Báo - Tạp chí

chủ đề: Chemistry

  • Duyệt theo:
1 . Incorporation of Nitrogen-related species on Ga-rich GaN (0001) surfaces = Cơ chế hấp thụ của các hợp chất Nitơ trên bề mặt giàu Ga của GaN (0001) / Bui Kieu My // .- 2024 .- Số 04(65) .- P. 176-181 .- 540

We present features in the incorporation of Nitrogen-related species on the Ga-rich GaN (0001) surface based on firstprinciples total energy calculations. We find that the N adatom spontaneously substitutes for the Ga adatom upon adsorption and forms 4-fold N structure. Surprisingly, this substitutional adsorption does not have any activation energy. Also, we find that NH2 and NH units intervene in the Ga-Ga weak bonds and form - Ga - (NHx) - Ga - structure during the adsorption. This finding gives an insight into the fate of ammonia species during adsorption on the Ga-rich GaN (0001) surface.

2 Features of the synthesis of calcium-aluminate phases with the introduction of modifying additives / Mikhail Alexandrovich Trubitsyn, L.V. Furda, N.A. Volovicheva, M.N. Yapryntsev, Le Van Thuan // Khoa học & Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân .- 2022 .- P. 61-68 .- P. 61-68 .- 540

In this work, the influences of boric acid and high alumina cement used as modifying additives on the formation of CaO∙Al2O3 and CaO∙2Al2O3 were studied. Herein, commercially available chalk of the M-90 label and technical alumina of the G-0 label were utilized as initial raw materials. Heat treatment of powder mixtures with various concentrations of modifying additives was carried out in the temperature range of 1250-1350oC with an isothermal exposure times of 1h and 2h. It was found that the addition of additives into the raw mixture affected the ratio of target phases and the temperature interval of the phase formation of calcium-aluminate minerals.