Effects of Phuong Dong Dai Trang tablets on intestinal motility in experimental animals
Tác giả: Tran Thanh Tung, Pham Thi Van Anh, Dau Thuy DuongTóm tắt:
Phuong Dong Dai Trang tablets (PDDT) prepared from several medicinal plants, including Hedychium coronarium, Coix lacryma-jobi, Dioscorea persimilis, Cynara Scolymus L., Paeonia lactiflora, Glochidion eriocarpum, are intended to treat gastrointestinal function disorders. This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of PDDT on intestinal motility in vivo and ex vivo. Swiss mice were divided into four groups that were given orally 0.9% sodium chloride, Duspatalin (mebeverine) 80 mg/kg b.w./day, PDDT 1080 mg/kg b.w./day and PDDT 3240 mg/kg/b.w./day, respectively for 5 days. The activated charcoal movements were measured 20 minutes and 40 minutes after all mice were fed with 0.2 ml of 10% activated charcoal. New Zealand White rabbit’s isolated intestinal segments were divided into two groups with two concentrations of PDDT 1350 mg/100 ml Tyrode’s solution and 2025 mg/100 ml Tyrode’s solution, respectively. The intestine’s contractile frequency and amplitude were recorded.
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