Entrepreneurship education in foreign countries and recommendations for Vietnam
Tác giả: Nguyễn Huỳnh ThơTóm tắt:
In combination with the development of society, the wave of business start-up has become a strong tendency all over the world. Following this trend, Vietnam is also gradually transforming on the path of developing start-up culture. However, according to Vietnam Startup Forum 2020, the survival rate of new business is still very low. According to the analysis from General Statistics Office’s Report on SocioEconomic Situation,1 the reason for this situation is: the adaptability of small-scale enterprises to the economic changing situation is still limited. It is the capacity of startups in Vietnam that raises the questions: how to help business overcome difficulties, as well as challenges, to withstand the fierce competition over the global economy. In this context, Entrepreneurship Education is considered as one of the effective solutions to overcome such situation. Thanks to this method, the instability of the economy is reduced and the vitality of industries is still maintained in many countries. Therefore, this study shall use the qualitative method and focus on secondary sources of information from documents, reports, analysis of entrepreneurship education models of developed start-up education in some foreign countries, such as the U.S., Israel and Malaysia. Since then, the author would like to recommend some effective experiences for entrepreneurship education in Vietnam.
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- Đặc điểm hình thái tuyến giáp trên siêu âm ở phụ nữ sau mãn kinh
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- Thực trạng và kết quả điều trị thiếu máu ở người bệnh phẫu thuật chỉnh hình lớn tại Bệnh viện Đại học Y Hà Nội giai đoạn 2023-2024