Khoa Học Tự Nhiên

General chemistry : study guide/ solutions manual
This superb new textbook combines the clear writing and wonderful problems that have made McQuarrie famous among chemistry professors and students worldwide. Presented in an elegant design with all-new illustrations, it is available in a soft-cover edition to offer professors a fresh choice at an ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: Tồn kho (03 Quang Trung)
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Time and work in England 1750-1830
Did working hours in England increase as a result of the Industrial Revolution? In this important study, Hans-Joachim Voth addresses this question using rigorously analyzed statistical data. Drawing on this research, Voth has created six datasets for both rural and urban areas over the period 1750 ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 209 Phan Thanh
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Calculus for business, economics, Life sciences and social sciences : 12th ed.
The content is organized into two parts: (1) A Library of Elementary Functions (Chapters 1–2) and (2) Calculus (Chapters 3–9). The book’s overall approach, refined by the authors’ experience with large sections of college freshmen, addresses the challenges of teaching and learning when readers’ ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Student solutions manual to accompany organic chemistry : 7th ed.
Provides step by step solutions for all end of chapter problems that guides the student through the reasoning behind each problem in the text. There is also a self test at the end of chapter designed to assess the student’s mastery of the material.
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Linear programming : methods and application
Designed for a course in linear programming at the undergraduate and graduate levels for students of engineering and mathematics, this classic work provides a thorough, theoretical introduction to linear programming. Coverage of applications and nonlinear programming is included.
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1