CSDL sách

Trở về
  • Số trang:950 p.
  • Kích thước:28 cm
  • Số đăng ký cá biệt:45705
  • ISBN:9780132251136
  • Mã Dewey:621.382
  • Đơn giá:0
  • Vị trí lưu trữ:03 Quang Trung
  • Ngôn ngữ:English
  • Loại tài liệu:Sách Chuyên ngành
  • Đang rỗi/ Tổng sách:3/3
  • Từ khóa:Telecommunication, electronics
  • Chủ đề: Telecommunications & Electronics telecommunications
  • Chuyên ngành: Khoa Điện - Điện tử
  • Tóm tắt: Maintaining the tradition of previous editions, this ninth edition includes up-to-date coverage of the latest in electronic communications and concepts. The material presented reflects advancements and developments in all aspects of electronic communications such as mobile communications, satellite communications, digital signal processing and SS7 signaling. Electronic Workbench Multisim simulations appear at the end of each chapter and on an accompanying CD. In addition, in-text learning aids are designed to develop analytical and troubleshooting skills and the updated lab manual includes new experiments using Mini-Circuits® modules. Expanded discussion of digital communications including new changes and improvements in: Mobile Communications; SS7 Signaling; Bluetooth; Wi-Max; DTV (digital television).
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