CSDL sách

Trở về
  • Số trang:181 p.
  • Kích thước:23 cm.
  • Số đăng ký cá biệt:43899
  • ISBN:076432117X
  • Mã Dewey:940.449430222
  • Đơn giá:0
  • Vị trí lưu trữ:03 Quang Trung
  • Ngôn ngữ:English
  • Loại tài liệu:Sách Chuyên ngành
  • Đang rỗi/ Tổng sách:1/1
  • Từ khóa:Fighter planes, German, fighter pilots
  • Chủ đề: Thiết kế Đồ họa & Fighter planes & Fighter pilots--German--Biography
  • Chuyên ngành: Khoa Mỹ thuật Ứng dụng
  • Tóm tắt: The air aces of Imperial Germany's Luftstreitkrafte are an ever-popular subject among aviation historians, enthusiasts, war gamers, and aircraft modelers. The images of famous airmen such as Manfred von Richthofen, Ernst Udet, and Werner Voss are well known and frequently published, but the same cannot be said for all of the over 300 German airmen who achieved five or more aerial victories in the Great War. Their stories have often been published, but never have as many photographs of the aces been assembled within the pages of one volume. Of necessity these photos vary widely in style, format and quality, yet they serve to reveal a good deal of information about the pilots and the multitude of different uniforms and decorations they wore...
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