CSDL sách

Trở về
  • Số trang:153 p.
  • Kích thước:23 cm
  • Số đăng ký cá biệt:8578
  • ISBN:0-07-051503-4
  • Mã Dewey:420.658
  • Đơn giá:0
  • Vị trí lưu trữ:03 Quang Trung
  • Ngôn ngữ:English
  • Loại tài liệu:Sách Chuyên ngành
  • Đang rỗi/ Tổng sách:2/2
  • Từ khóa:Business English
  • Chủ đề: English--Business
  • Chuyên ngành: Khoa Tiếng Anh
  • Tóm tắt: This book is about: Sentence development to express your ideas clearly and fully: Verb usage to inject action, color and meaning into your sentences; Noun and pronoun usage to make your meanings clear and precise; Adjective, adverb, conjunction and preposition selection to convey your thoughts clearly and correctly; Punctuation marks to help the reader understand the meaning of a written message; Editing techniques to assist you in discovering errors in written work.
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