CSDL Bài trích Báo - Tạp chí
chủ đề: Engineering Technologies
1 Classification of asphalt pavement crack severity using gradient boosting machine and image processing techniques = Phân loại vết nứt mặt đường sử dụng mô hình học máy tăng cường và các kỹ thuật xử lý ảnh / Hoang Nhat Duc, Tran Van Duc, Nguyen Quoc Lam, Pham Quang Nhat // .- 2024 .- Số 04(65) .- P. 80-89 .- 624
This study puts forward an innovative approach for not only detecting cracks but also recognizing their severity. Herein, the severity of a crack object is characterized by its width. Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) has been employed to categorize pavement surface into five labels: non-crack, sealed crack, minor crack, moderate crack, and severe crack. The model construction of the LightGBM requires a set of feature extractors, including steerable filters, projection integrals, and image texture analyses.
2 The efficiency coefficient of 3x3 piles group in cohesion soil using small scaled pile group model / Tran Thi Phuong Huyen, Nguyen Sy Hung // Xây dựng .- 2023 .- No. 6 .- P. 90-95 .- 624
This paper deals with the investigation of a model experimental study of group piles of different length to diameter ratio (L/D) as well as different spacing (S) between the piles in the group.