CSDL Bài trích Báo - Tạp chí

chủ đề: Mechanical technology

  • Duyệt theo:
1 Influence of some parameters in atmospheric plasma spray on particle kinetics = Ảnh hưởng của một số thông số trong phun plasma khí quyển đến động học hạt / Vu Duong, Le Hong Ky // .- 2024 .- Số 04(65) .- P. 49-59 .- 621

The study focuses on analyzing the impact of various plasma spraying factors, including plasma current, plasma voltage, and air flow rate, on particle velocity, given their crucial role in determining coating effectiveness. Notably, this research innovatively incorporates ordinary air as the plasma-generating gas and introduces a mathematical model that explains the adjustment of particle velocity.

2 Theoretical and experimental studies of heat recovery from exhaust gases of an automotive engine to generate electricity in a thermoelectric generator = Nghiên cứu lý thuyết và thực nghiệm về thu hồi nhiệt từ khí thải của động cơ ô tô để tạo ra điện trong / Vu Duong, Nguyen Ha Hiep, Nguyen Cong Doan // .- 2024 .- No. 03 (64) .- P. 11-19 .- 621.03

The article introduces the thermoelectric module and its applications, the model of the thermoelectric generator, and some experimental results investigating the application of the generator installed on the exhaust pipe of the Toyota 7K-E engine to take advantage of exhaust heat energy turned into electricity, creating additional power for the vehicle's electrical system.

3 Spray coating technology for wear-resistant and anti-rust coating on cell brake disc = Công nghệ phun phủ tạo lớp chịu mài mòn và chống gỉ trên đĩa phanh ô tô / Vu Duong // .- 2023 .- Số 05 (60) - Tháng 10 .- P. 3-9 .- 671

The article deals with gas thermal spraying technology for spraying or welding the layer of materials that are resistant to abrasion and grinding in environments with the impact of moisture. The author has proposed inexpensive materials and atmospheric plasma injection technology to lower the cost of products. This technology also has the potential to be applied in new construction or restoration of some duo parts of internal combustion engines.