Study of R peaks using HRV processor In MATLAB simulink
Tác giả: Himanshu Sharma Chhabra, R.K.
Số trang:
P. 865-868
Kiểu tài liệu:
Tạp chí điện tử
Nơi lưu trữ:
CSDL điện tử
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Từ khóa:
Matlab, FPGA, Simulink
Chủ đề:
Tóm tắt:
This paper describes two different models for detecting R peaks in ECG waveform and the comparison between the outputs of these two models has been presented. Peaks of ECG waveform i.e. R peaks are detected using Simulink Models which carries the information about HRV. The precise identification of QRS complex specifically, exact recognition of R Peaks is a key in computer based ECG investigation. ECG waveform is described by time interval between two consecutive R peaks. Using the location of R peaks, RR interval can be calculated and on that basis various heart conditions can also be detected.
Tạp chí liên quan
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