Design & fabrication of MATLAB based solar powered CNC machine
Tác giả: Syed Hassaan Ahmed, Nauman Razzaq, Zaman Malik
Số trang:
P. 265-268
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CSDL điện tử
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Từ khóa:
CNC machine, CNC using matlab, Using matlab, Image processing through MATLAB
Tóm tắt:
A CNC (Computer Numerically Control) machine is a numerical control machine with the additional component of an on board PC. The PC is alluded to as the machine control unit (MCU). A novel mathematical model for the machine tool feed derive system has been devised on MATLAB. A hardware model of solar powered three axes CNC machine is designed and fabricated which uses the input from the MATLAB. CNC machine model is designed using AUTOCAD and motor driving circuit is simulated and tested using PROTEOUS. AURDUINO UNO works as a controller to move the stepper motorsin x-, y- and z- axis. Before manufacturing of CNC machine. All image processing algorithms were designed and developed using MATLAB.
Tạp chí liên quan
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