Evaluation of telecommunication network operational reliability based on gray relation projection method
Tác giả: Chao Zhang ; Cunbao Ma ; Jiadong Xu
Số trang:
P. 6970 – 6974
Số phát hành:
Kiểu tài liệu:
Tạp chí điện tử
Nơi lưu trữ:
CSDL điện tử
Mã phân loại:
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Từ khóa:
Telecommunication network, Operational reliability, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Projection method, Gray relation
Chủ đề:
Telecommunication network
Tóm tắt:
Telecommunication network reliability plays an important role in network management and decision-making, but most traditional methods for analyzing and estimating the telecommunication network reliability can't evaluate the network actually and roundly because it only considers a certain single performance or index of the network. According to the knowledge of reliability and systems engineering, a novel model for evaluating telecommunication network operational reliability is proposed based on multiple criteria decision making (MCDM).
Tạp chí liên quan
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