Examination of the acute and subchronic oral toxicity of “Com Kien Ty” in experimental animals
Tác giả: Le Hong Phu, Nguyen Cong Thuc, Dinh Thi Thu HangTóm tắt:
Evaluate the acute and subchronic toxicities of “Com kien ty” through oral administration in experimental animals. The acute toxicity was determined using the Litchfield Wilcoxon method in mice. Following WHO's recommendation, the subchronic toxicity was assessed in rabbits with oral doses of 0.9 g/kg/day (equal to the recommended human dose) and 2.7 g/kg/day (3 times as high as the recommended human dose) in 4 consecutive weeks. Results showed “Com kien ty” at the highest dose of 60.0 g/kg did not express acute toxicity in mice. Regarding the subchronic toxicity test, after oral administration of “Com kien ty”, hematological parameters, hepato-renal functions were unchanged as compared with the control group, and no gross lesions in organs were observed in all experimental animals. In conclusion, “Com kien ty” did not produce acute and subchronic toxicities in Swiss mice and New Zealand rabbits.
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