A novel approach to modelling a diagnosis and treatment of traditional Vietnamese medicine
Tác giả: Truong Thi Hong Thuy, Nguyen Hoang PhuongTóm tắt:
In this paper, we propose a novel model of an expert system for diagnosing disease syndromes and treating traditional Vietnamese medicine. In this model, the knowledge base consists of IF-THEN rules, in which the antecedent of a rule is an elementary conjunction of propositions and negated propositions. The inference mechanism for the diagnosis of disease syndromes and treatment of traditional Vietnamese medicine applies Abelian group operations. A comparison of the inference of our model with the fuzzy max-min inferences shows that our model can have very similar rules whose contributions sum up to high weight. On the other hand, in our model, a rule with a negative weight may diminish an effect of a rule with a good weight. This feature is absent in the systems with fuzzy max-min inferences.
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