Strand breakage detection in prestressed multi strand anchorage structures using PZT interface technique
Tác giả: Phan Ngoc Tuong Vy, Dang Ngoc LoiTóm tắt:
In this paper, the implementation of the PZT interface technique for monitoring strand breakage in a prestressed concrete anchorage zone is presented. First, the fundamental of the PZT interface for impedance monitoring is briefly reviewed. Second, a FE (finite element) analysis of a multi strand concrete anchorage equipped with an array of PZT interfaces is analyzed to obtain impedance signatures under a series of strand breakage events. Last, variations in impedance responses of the PZT array are quantified using root-mean-square-deviation (RMSD), and the linear tomography analysis of impedance’s RMSD indices is utilized to localize damage strands. The result reveals that locations of single and double outer damaged strands are successfully identified, but the location of a center damage strand is not clearly determined in multiple damage cases.
- Phân hạng nguy hiểm cháy và cháy nổ cho nhà sản xuất có nguy cơ nổ bụi tại Việt Nam
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- Nguyên nhân phá hủy bề mặt gạch tháp Khương Mỹ và giải pháp hạn chế hư hỏng gạch phục chế, sử dụng gia cường khối xây tháp trong môi trường biển