Modeling computational trust based on interaction experience and reputation with user interests in social network
Tác giả: Dinh Que Tran, Phương Thanh PhamTóm tắt:
This paper is to present a novel model of estimating trustworthiness of a trusteron a trustee based on experience trust and reputation trust from some community within the contextof user’s topic interests. Firstly, we construct a measure of experience topic-aware trust which isdefined as a function of degrees of interaction from a truster to some trustee and a degree of trustee’sinterests in topics. Secondly, we construct a measure of reliability degree of community on sometrustee by means of a function which is computed via degrees of reliability of truster on members ofthe community and similarity of these members with the trustee. Thirdly, we propose a compositionfunction for estimating an overal topic-aware trust based on experience topic-aware trust and thereputation topic-aware trust. Our experimental results show that the degree of experience topic-aware trust depends on interaction degree among truster and trustee more than on trustee’s interestdegree. They also indicate that the overall topic-aware trust estimation depends on reputation fromcommunity more than user’s own experience evaluation.
- Phân hạng nguy hiểm cháy và cháy nổ cho nhà sản xuất có nguy cơ nổ bụi tại Việt Nam
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