Qt (Electronic resource)

Duyệt theo:

Game programming using Qt 5 beginner's guide : create amazing games with Qt 5, C++, and Qt Quick

Tác giả: Pavel Vladimirovich Strakhov, Lorenz Haas, Witold Wysota

Qt is the leading cross-platform toolkit for all significant desktop, mobile, and embedded platforms and is becoming popular by the day, especially on mobile and embedded devices. It's a powerful tool that perfectly fits the needs of game developers. This book will help you learn the basics of Qt...

  • Phiên bản: 2nd ed.
  • Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
  • Tổng sách: 3
  • Đang rỗi: 2

Introducing Qt 6 : learn to build fun apps & games for mobile & desktop in C++

Tác giả: Ben Coepp

Introducing Qt 6 begins by guiding you in setting up your tools and environment, and then walks you through the first "baby steps" of Qt framework. Next, you'll learn the basics of how project and app structure are set up using Qt. Then, you’ll begin your first real hands-on projects using Qt,...

  • Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
  • Tổng sách: 3
  • Đang rỗi: 2