Digita l--Systems

Rapid prototyping of digital systems
Provides an exciting and challenging enviroment for rapidly adapting System-on-a-Programmable Chip (SOPC) technology to existing designs or integrating the new design methods into a laboratory component for digital logic, computer and embedded-design curriculums.
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Rapid prototyping of digital systems : SOPC ed.
Tutorial I: The 15 minute design, FPGA development board hardware and I/O features, programmable logic technology, Tutorial II: Sequential design and hierarchy, FPGAcore library functions, using VHDL for synthesis of digital hardware, using verilog for synthesis of digital hardware, ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 2
- Đang rỗi: 2

Error control systems for digital communication and storage
Contents: Error control coding for digital communication systems, galois fields, polynomials over galois fields, linear block codes, cyclic codes, hadamard, quadratic residue and golay codes, reed-muller codes, BCH and reed-solomon codes, decoding BCH and reed-solomon codes, block code performance ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: Tồn kho (03 Quang Trung)
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Presenting numbers and codes in digital systems, electronics in digital design, combinational logic theory, combinational mixed logic circuits, combinational building blocks, sequential circuit elements, algorithmic state machines, ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: Tồn kho (03 Quang Trung)
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1