College teaching

Duyệt theo:

Changing practices in faculty evaluation : a critical assessment and recommendations for improvement

Tác giả: Peter Seldin

Contents: Fiscal crisis in higher education: the search for solvency and consequences for faculty. Court challenges to administrativedecisions on tenure, promotion and retention. Current policies and practices in evaluating teaching, research and service: a new nationwide study.

  • Phiên bản: 1st ed.
  • Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
  • Tổng sách: 3
  • Đang rỗi: 3

The skillful teacher : on technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom: 2nd ed.

Tác giả: Stephen D. Brookfield

The Skillful Teacher is a comprehensive guide that shows how to thrive on the unpredictability and diversity of classroom life and includes insights developed from the hundreds of workshops conducted by the author. This new edition also reflects the many changes that have come about in the decade ...

  • Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
  • Tổng sách: 1
  • Đang rỗi: 1