Managerial accounting

Financial and managerial accounting
Chapter 1: Introduction to accounting and business; Chapter 2: Analyzing transactions; Chapter 3: The adjusting process; Chapter 4: Completing the accounting cycle; Chapter 5: Accounting for merchandising businesses; Chapter 6: Inventories; Chapter 7: Sarbanes-Oxley, Internal control; Chapter 8: ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 24
- Đang rỗi: 24

Managerial accounting: Conceps for planning, control, decision making: 7th ed.
Including five parts such as The foundation; The central theme; The capstone; Selected topics for further study; Appendixes.
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 209 Phan Thanh
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1

Financial & managerial accounting
This book presents 24 chapters such as introduction to accounting and business, analyzing transactions, the matching concept and the adjusting process, completing the accounting cycle, accounting for merchandising businesses, accounting systems - internal controls - cash, receivable, inventories,..
- Vị trí lưu trữ: Tồn kho (03 Quang Trung)
- Tổng sách: 2
- Đang rỗi: 2

This book presents brief contents such as introductions to Managerial accounting, building blocks of Managerial accounting, job costing, process costing, activity based costing anf other cos management tools, cost behavior, cost volume profit analysis, short term business decisions, capital ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 209 Phan Thanh
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1