Khoa Tiếng Anh

How To Master Skills For The Toefl iBT Actual Test
Presenting five tests with a lot of different topics such as Geography, Sociology, Service Encounter, Chemistry, Enviromental Science, Literature, Engineering ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 5
- Đang rỗi: 5

Lingual Forum Toefl iBT i- Speaking: High intermediate course
Including two parts: Part A: It’s preparation time! With topics such as choosing the right word; finding the right expression; speaking in complex sentences, …. Part B: It’s response time: Personal preference, paired choice, fit and explain, …
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 209 Phan Thanh
- Tổng sách: 4
- Đang rỗi: 4

Lingual Forum Toefl iBT i - Writting : high intermediate course
Presenting two parts: Part A: Building up basic such as education, business & career, lifestyle health, how the mind works, socia issue the environment; Part B: Toefl writing such as casting doubt, challenging arguments, solving problems, supporting explanation, agree/disagree,…
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 209 Phan Thanh
- Tổng sách: 4
- Đang rỗi: 4

Lingual Forum Toefl iBT i- Listening: High intermediate course
Presenting topics such as Converation: campus life; Lecture: humanities, technology, business; Interactive lecture: social science, natural science, education.
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 5
- Đang rỗi: 5

Toefl iBT i- reading : high intermediate course
Including ten chapters with topics: Question type; History, social sciences, Humanities, Archaeology anthropology, Art & literature, natural sciences, Earth sciences, Physical sciences.
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 209 Phan Thanh
- Tổng sách: 4
- Đang rỗi: 4