Khoa Mỹ thuật Ứng dụng
After the devastating events of Infinite Frontier, the Crown Prince of Crime flees Gotham for international waters as Jim Gordon hunts him. It's been almost a decade since The Joker has had the spotlight, and with this ... series James Tynion IV brings his iconic voice to [him].
- Số tập: Vol. 1
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1
DC's greatest detective stories ever told
Batman may be the World's Greatest Detective, but he's hardly the only sleuth in the DC Universe. This new title collects key adventures starring Lois Lane, the Question, the Sandman, Detective Chimp, Slam Bradley, and everyone's favorite Caped Crusader, Batman. Batman may be the World's Greatest ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1
Justice League : vol. 1 : prisms
Writer Brian Michael Bendis reunites with artist David Marquez for a new, star-studded Justice League featuring Batman, Superman, the Flash, Hawkgirl, Aquaman, Hippolyta, new DC powerhouse Naomi, that Black Adam? Superman is leading the charge to reinvent the Justice League-and at the same ...
- Số tập: Vol. 1
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1
Tales from the DC dark multiverse II
The twisted timelines that showed the Dark Multiverse and all the devastating danger that it contains are collected in Tales from the dark multiverse II. What dark realities exist within the realms of the Dark Multiverse? Follow Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Justice League as our heroes through ...
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1
House of whispers : vol. 3 : watching the watchers
What is it like to have the House of Whispers as the house next door? Follow a young woman as she finds out. This unexpected domestic mishap leaves her in dire need of aid from Erzulie and Ogun... whether she knows it or not.
- Số tập: Vol. 3
- Vị trí lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
- Tổng sách: 1
- Đang rỗi: 1