Danh mục sách ngoại văn mới tại Thư viện
03/04/2010Thư viện vừa bổ sung sách ngoại văn mới thuộc nhiều chuyên ngành. | ||||
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Stt | Tên sách | Tên tác giả | Số ĐKCB | ISBN |
1 | The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia | Tom Stevenson | 17165 | 9780135044377 |
2 | Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies | Charles R Goeldner, J R Brent Ritchie | 17166 | 9780470084595 |
3 | Housekeeping Management | Matt A Casado | 17167 | 9780471251897 |
4 | Service at Its Best: Waiter-Waitress Training | Edward E Sanders, Ronald Wilkinson, Paul C Paz | 17168 | 9780130926265 |
5 | Check-In Check-Out: Managing Hotel Operations | Gary K Vallen, Ed.D., Jerome J Vallen | 17169 | 9780132059671 |
6 | Restaurant Operations Management: Principles and Practices | David K Hayes, Jack D Ninemeier | 17170 | 9780131100909 |
7 | Profitable Menu Planning | John A Drysdale, Jennifer Galipeau | 17171 | 9780131196803 |
8 | Business Writing for Hospitality | Vivienne J Wildes, Peter D Nyheim | 17172 | 9780131715714 |
9 | The Beverage Service World | Wallace Rande, Valentino Luciani | 17173 | 9780133759242 |
10 | Professional Front Office Management | Robert H Woods, David K Hayes, Jack D Ninemeier | 17174 | 9780131700697 |
11 | Inlet Isles: A Hospital Foodservice Case Study | Amy Allen, Amy Allen-Chabot, Suzanne Curtis | 17175 | 9780130328366 |
12 | Hotel Front Office Management | James A Bardi, Ed.D. | 17176 | 9780471687108 |
13 | Foodservice Planning: Layout, Design, and Equipment | Barbara A Almanza, Lendal Henry Kotschevar, Margaret E Terrell | 17177 | 9780130964465 |
14 | Theory and problems of dicrete mathemtics | Seymour Lipschultz, Marc Lipson | 17178 | 9780070380455 |
15 | Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++ | John R Hubbard, Ph.D | 17179 | 9780071353465 |
16 | Physics for Scientists and Engineers | Paul Allen Tipler | 17180 | 9780879014346 |
17 | Microbiology & Student Study Art Notebook | Lansing M Prescott | 17181 | 9780697293909 |
18 | Genetics: Analysis of Genes and Genomes | Daniel L Hartl, Elizabeth W Jones | 17182 | 9780763715113 |
19 | Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits | Joseph A Edminister, Mahmood Nahvi | 17183 | 9780070189997 |
20 | Biology | Solomon, Berg, Martin | 17184 | 9780030222993 |
21 | Data Networks | Dimitri P Bertsekas, Robert Gallager | 17185 | 0132009161 |
22 | Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards | William Stallings | 17186 | 0132380031 |
23 | Communication Networks | Alberto Leon-Garcia, Indra Widjaja, Leon-Garcia Alberto | 17187 | 007246352X |
24 | GUI Bloopers 2.0: Common User Interface Design Don'ts and DOS | Jeff Johnson | 17188 | 9780123706430 |
25 | Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology - Volume 1 | Joanna Lumsden | 17189 | 9781599048710 |
26 | Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology - Volume 2 | Joanna Lumsden | 17190 | 9781599048710 |
27 | Physics for Scientists & Engineers | Thornton, Fishbane,Gasiorowicz | 17191 | 9780136632122 |
28 | Hacking Exposed Web Applications | Joel Scambray, Mike Shema, Caleb Sima | 17192 | 0072262990 |
29 | Hacking Exposed Linux: Linux Security Secrets & Solutions | ISECOM | 17193 | 0072262575 |
30 | Hacking Exposed Windows: Windows Security Secrets & Solutions | Joel Scambray, Stuart McClure | 17194 | 007149426X |
31 | Hacking Exposed, Sixth Edition: Network Security Secrets& Solutions | Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz | 17195 | 0071613749 |
32 | Hacking Exposed 5th Edition: Network Security Secrets and Solutions | Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz | 17196 | 0072260815 |
33 | Hacking Exposed VOIP: Voice Over IP Security Secrets & Solutions | David Endler, Mark Collier | 17197 | 0072263644 |
34 | Hacking Exposed Wireless: Wireless Security Secrets & Solutions | Johnny Cache, Vincent Liu | 17198 | 0072262583 |
35 | Hacking Exposed Web 2.0: Web 2.0 Security Secrets and Solutions | Rich Cannings, Himanshu Dwivedi , Zane Lackey | 17199 | 9780071494618 |
36 | Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach | James F Kurose, Keith W Ross | 17200 | 9780136079675 |
37 | Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity | Kotz, Treichel | 17201 | 9780030336041 |
38 | TCP/IP Illustrated: The Protocols | W Richard Stevens | 17202 | 9780201633467 |
39 | Unix Network Programming: The Sockets Networking API | W Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M Rudoff | 17203 | 9780131411555 |
40 | TCP/IP Protocol Suite | Forouzan Behrouz, Behrouz Forouzan | 17204 | 9780073376042 |
41 | Fundamentals of Physics: Part 1 | David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker | 17205 | 9780470044759 |
42 | Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics, Second Edition: Computer Forensics Secrets & Solutions | Philipp Aaron, Cowen David, Davis Chris | 17206 | 0071626778 |
43 | Hacking Exposed Malware and Rootkits | Michael A Davis, Bodmer Sean, Lord Jason | 17207 | 0071591184 |
44 | Tourism Management | David Weaver, Laura Lawton | 17208 | 9780470809549 |
45 | Festival and Special Event Management | Johnny Allen, William O'Toole, Ian McDonnell | 17209 | 9780470804704 |
46 | Hospitality Management Strategies | Ronald A Nykiel | 17210 | 9780130618764 |
47 | Hotel Operations Management | David K Hayes, Jack D Ninemeier | 17211 | 9780131711495 |
48 | Managing Hotels Effectively: Lessons from Outstanding General Managers | Eddystone C Nebel | 17212 | 9780471289098 |
49 | Hospitality Financial Management | Agnes L Defranco, Thomas W Lattin | 17213 | 9780471692164 |
50 | The Management of Maintenance and Engineering Systems in the Hospitality Industry | Frank D Borsenik, Alan T Stutts, Raymond C Ellis | 17214 | 9780471141051 |
51 | Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism | Philip Kotler, John T Bowen, James C Makens | 17215 | 9780135045596 |
52 | The Hospitality Case Manual: Developing Competencies in Critical Thinking and Practical Action | Craig C Lundberg, Cheri A Young | 17216 | 9780131120891 |
53 | Hospitality Cost Control: A Practical Approach | Allen Asch | 17217 | 9780131116009 |
54 | Event Management | Glenn Bowdin, Johnny Allen, William O'Toole, Rob Harris, Ian McDonnell | 17218 | 9780750665339 |
55 | Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions: An Introduction to the Industry | George G Fenich | 17219 | 9780132340571 |
56 | Accounting for the hospitality industry | Elisa S Moncarz, Nestor De J Portocarrero | 17220 | 9780139738845 |
57 | Financial Management for the Hospitality Industry | William P Andrew, James W Damitio, Raymond S Schmidgall, PH.D., CPA | 17221 | 9780131179097 |
58 | Analyzing and Controlling Foodservice Costs: A Managerial and Technological Approach | James Keiser, Frederick J Demicco, Cihan Cobanoglu | 17222 | 9780131191129 |
59 | Restaurant Management: Customers, Operations, and Employees | Robert Christie Mill | 17223 | 9780131136908 |
60 | Cases in Hospitality and Tourism Management | Amy Allen-Chabot, Ken Jarvis, Robert M O'Halloran | 17224 | 0131700758 |
61 | An Introduction to Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices for the Real World | Kimberly A Tranter, Trevor Stuart-Hill, Juston Parker | 17225 | 9780131885899 |
62 | The Essentials of Wine with Food Pairing Techniques: A Straightforward Approach to Understanding Wine and Providing a Framework for Making Intelligent Food-Pairing Decisions | John Peter Laloganes | 17226 | 9780132351720 |
63 | Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems | Michael R Cullen, Dennis G Zill | 17227 | 9780534418878 |
64 | Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry | Michael D Olsen, Joseph J West, Eliza Ching Yick Tse | 17228 | 9780131196629 |
65 | Services Management: The New Paradigm in Hospitality | Jay A Kandampully | 17229 | 9780131916548 |
66 | Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions | Leonard H Hoyle | 17230 | 9780471401797 |
67 | Hospitality Operations: Careers in the World's Greatest Industry | Jack D Ninemeier, Joe Perdue | 17231 | 9780131407770 |
68 | Fundamental Principles of Restaurant Cost Control | David V Pavesic, F.M.P., Paul F Magnant | 17232 | 9780131145320 |
69 | Introduction to Hospitality Management | John R Walker | 17233 | 9780135061381 |
70 | Financial Management for the Hospitality Industry | William P Andrew, James W Damitio, Raymond S Schmidgall, PH.D., CPA | 17234 | 9780131179097 |
71 | Organizational Behavior for the Hospitality Industry | Florence Berger, Judi Brownell | 17235 | 9780132447379 |
72 | The Hotel and Restaurant Business | Donald E Lundberg | 17236 | 9780471285083 |
73 | Cases in Human Resource Management in Hospitality | Shirley Gilmore | 17237 | 9780131119833 |
74 | Discovering Hospitality and Tourism: The World's Greatest Industry | Jack D Ninemeier, Joe Perdue | 17238 | 9780131591998 |
75 | Understanding Foodservice Cost Control: An Operational Text for Food, Beverage, and Labor Costs | Edward E Sanders, Timothy H Hill, Donna J Faria | 17239 | 9780131714878 |
76 | Restaurant Food Service Equipment | John A Drysdale | 17240 | 9780135017883 |
77 | Purchasing: A Guide for Hospitality Professionals | David K Hayes, Jack D Ninemeier | 17241 | 9780135148426 |
78 | Foundations of Lodging Management | David K Hayes, Jack D Ninemeier | 17242 | 9780131700550 |
79 | Hospitality Management: A Capstone Course | Matt A Casado | 17243 | 9780131779792 |
80 | Tourism: The Business of Travel | Roy A Cook, Laura J Yale, Joseph J Marqua | 17244 | 9780137147298 |
81 | Exploring foodservice systems management through problems | Elizabeth McKinney Lieux, Patricia Kelly Luoto | 17245 | 9780132325424 |
82 | The Hospitality Manager's Guide to Wines, Beers, and Spirits | Albert W A Schmid | 17246 | 9780132059688 |
83 | Introduction to Hospitality | John R Walker | 17247 | 9780135139288 |
84 | Hospitality Financial Managment | Michael C Dalbor, Robert E Chatfield, Akram Dakwar | 17248 | 9780130482877 |
85 | Procurement of Hospitality Resources | Jack D Ninemeier, David K Hayes | 17249 | 9780135148419 |
86 | Foodservice Organizations: A Managerial and Systems Approach | Mary B Gregoire | 17250 | 9780135060551 |
87 | Digital Communications | John G Proakis, Masoud Salehi | 17251 | 9780072957167 |
88 | Fundamentals of Engineering Design | Barry Hyman | 17252 | 9780130467126 |
89 | Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis | George R Cooper, The Late Clare D McGillem, Clare D McGillem | 17253 | 9780195123548 |
90 | Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach | David E Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Anoop Gupta | 17254 | 9781558603431 |
91 | Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks | Holger Karl, Andreas Willig | 17255 | 9780470095102 |
92 | Logical Effort: Designing Fast CMOS Circuits | Ivan E Sutherland, Robert F Sproull, David Harris | 17256 | 9781558605572 |
93 | Transient Signals on Transmission Lines | Andrew Peterson, Gregory Durgin | 17257 | 9781598298253 |
94 | Operating System Concepts with Java | Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne | 17258 | 9780470509494 |
95 | Modern Cable Television Technology: Video, Voice, and Data Communications | Walter S Ciciora, Michael Adams, James Farmer | 17259 | 9781558608283 |
96 | Communication Systems | Simon Haykin | 17260 | 9780471178699 |
97 | Satellite Communications | Timothy Pratt, Charles W Bostian, Jeremy E Allnutt | 17261 | 9780471370079 |
98 | Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice | Theodore S Rappaport | 17262 | 9780130422323 |
99 | Principles of Mobile Communication | Gordon L Stuber | 17263 | 9780792379980 |
100 | Switching and Finite Automata Theory | Zvi Kohavi, Niraj K Jha | 17264 | 9780521857482 |
101 | Semiconductor Device Fundamentals | Robert F Pierret, | 17265 | 9780201543933 |
102 | Error Control Systems for Digital Communication and Storage | Wicker B Stephen, Stephen B Wicker | 17266 | 9780132008099 |
103 | Satellite Communications | Dennis Roddy | 17267 | 9780071462983 |
104 | Building Embedded Linux Systems | Karim Yaghmour | 17268 | 9780596002220 |
105 | Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits & Gates to C & Beyond | Yale N Patt, Sanjay J Patel, Patt Yale | 17269 | 9780072467505 |
106 | Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface | David A Patterson, John L Hennessy | 17270 | 9780123744937 |
107 | Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals | M Morris Mano, Charles R Kime | 17271 | 9780131989269 |
108 | Elements of Information Theory | Thomas M Cover, Joy A Thomas | 17272 | 9780471241959 |
109 | Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems | James O Hamblen, Tyson S Hall, Michael D Furman | 17273 | 9780387726700 |
110 | Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach | John L Hennessy, David A Patterson | 17274 | 9780123704900 |
111 | An introduction to electrical measurements: Text for ECE 3041 | Thomas E Brewer | 17275 | 9780757533198 |
112 | Digital Design Laboratory Manual | Thomas, Collins; Christopher, Twigg | 17276 | 9780757542671 |
113 | Signal Processing First | James H McClellan, Ronald Schafer, Mark A Yoder | 17277 | 9780130909992 |
114 | PSpice for Linear Circuits | James A Svoboda | 17278 | 9780471781462 |
115 | The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing | Leslie C Perelman, Edward Barrett, James Paradis | 17279 | 9781559346474 |
116 | The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing | Leslie C Perelman, Edward Barrett, James Paradis | 17280 | 9781559346474 |
117 | Hospitality Management Internship: A Student Workbook | Kimberly J Harris | 17408 | 9780131121843 |

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