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46581Nutrition : an applied approach : 5th ed.

It introduces non-majors to nutrition with an innovative format that promotes long-term learning without rote memorization. Key focus areas include: functions of vitamins and minerals in the body, fluid and electrolyte balance, antioxidant function, bone health, energy metabolism, and blood health. The 5th Edition shows how nutrition concepts apply to our daily lives with new chapters on food equity, sustainability, and obesity. A new suite of ABC News Videos and Focus Figures explore nutrition, human disease, and nutrients found in food. To engage students and help them learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts, each chapter now includes Learning Outcomes and a new study plan that connects to Mastering™ Nutrition reading quizzes and exercises.

46582Nutrition : concepts & controversies

More conversational than a pure-science text, this book explores the essentials of nutrition--including how the body breaks down and uses food, food safety, sports nutrition and special nutritional needs throughout the human life cycle--and asks you to weigh in on relevant debates, such as sustainable diets, the safety of supplements, genetically modified foods, how much is too much sugar, and keto and paleo diets.

46583Nutrition concepts and controversies

1: Food choices and human health; 2: Nutrition tools: standards and guidelines; 3: The remarkable body; 4: The carbohydrates: sugar, starch, glycogen, and fiber; 5: The lipids: fats, oils, phospholipids, and sterols; 6: The proteins and amino acids; 7: The vitamins; 8: Water and minerals; 9: Energy balance and healthy body weight; 10: Nutrients, physical activity, and the body's responses; 11: Diet and health; 12: Life cycle nutrition: mother and infant; 13: Child, teen, and older adult; 14: Food safety and food technology; 15: Hunger and the global environment.

46584Nutrition for health, fitness & sport: 10th edition

The tenth edition includes incorporation of the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the associated MyPlate model that has replaced the MyPyramid model. The new MyPlate model, which was designed to be more user-friendly for the American population, is discussed in several chapters. New information from authoritative position statements dealing with exercise and nutrition issues has been incorporated in various chapters where relevant. More than 300 new references, including clinical studies, reviews, and meta-analyses, have also been added to the text.

46585Nutrition for healthy living: 4th edition

Completely revised, up-to-date, and redesigned, the fourth edition of Nutrition for Healthy Living takes an innovative approach to introductory nutrition for non-science majors. With its unique, concise organization and a distinct focus on consumerism, this engaging, fun-to-read text provides students with the scientific foundation needed to make informed nutritional decisions well beyond the classroom.

46586Nutrition Guide for Clinicians: Second Edition

This manual is a comprehensive, portable medical reference that covers nearly one hundred diseases and conditions, including risk factors, diagnoses, and typical treatments. Most importantly, it provides the latest evidence-based information on nutrition's role in prevention and treatment.

46587Nutrition: Basic concepts and applications

Chapter 1: The science of nutrition; Chapter 2: Carbohydrates; Chapter 3: Lipids; Chapter 4: Protein; Chapter 5: Energy balance and weight control; Chapter 6: Digestion, absorption, and metabolism; Chapter 7: The Vitamins; Chapter 8: Water and minerals; Chapter 9: The basis for an adequate diet; Chapter 10: Choosing an adequate adult diet..

46588Nvivo 11 essentials

Nvivo 11 Essentials is our comprehensive guide to the world's most popular qualitative data analysis software. This book has two authors. Bengt Edhlund is a software trainer with decades of experience teaching and writing about research software. Allan McDougall has worked with Nvivo 8, Nvivo 9, and Nvivo 10 as a qualitative health researcher and doctoral student. We have co-authored this book to provide instruction to Nvivo users of all skill levels and experience with both qualitative data analysis and qualitative research methods will benefit from this book.

46589NVivo 11 essentials: 2nd edition

NVivo 11 Essentials, 2nd Edition, now for version 11.4.1 is our comprehensive guide to the world's most popular qualitative data analysis software. This book has two authors. Bengt Edhlund is a software trainer with decades of experience teaching and writing about research software. Allan McDougall has worked with NVivo as a qualitative health researcher and doctoral student. We have co-authored this book to provide instruction to NVivo users of all skill levels and experience with both qualitative data analysis and qualitative research methods will benefit from this book.

46590NVivo in 7 steps: Qualitative sata analysis and coding for researchers

NVivo in 7 steps: Qualitative sata analysis and coding for researchers is a very direct process of how to use NVIVO data coding software quickly, but efficiently for getting started and completing your Data Analysis Coding for students completing a dissertation study.