Kết quả tìm kiếm
Có 74048 kết quả được tìm thấy
35831Michael Freeman on... composition : the ultimate photography masterclass

Composition is the single most powerful tool in a photographer's armoury. Unconstrained by any outside influence, it can be a pure expression of individuality, and this is what makes it so important.

35832Michael Freeman On… Light & Shadow

Freeman takes a new and different view of photography's prime commodity, arguing that for the photographer, the rich and evocative world of shadows is the full equal of the actual light that casts them and bathes scenes. He defines the varied qualities of both light and shadows (of which there are at least ten distinct types), and shows how they have particular meaning and purpose. He also argues for integrating exposure and processing with an appreciation of light and shadow quality so as to have full and subtle control. Armed with this understanding and these techniques, the creative photographer can work with light and shadow to add depth and quality to imagery.

35833Michael Jackson's Complete Guide to Single Malt Scotch

Featuring over 500 new bottlings, reviewed and scored, plus hundreds of revised entries, Michael Jackson's Complete Guide to Single Malt Scotch includes background information on the distilleries, tasting notes on over 1,000 bottlings, and practical advice on buying malts and interpreting whiskey labels.

35834Michelangelo: The last judgement - A glorious restoration

Michelangelo's the last judgment, painted on the rear wall of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, is considered by many to be the artist's greatest triumph as well as one of the most important works in the history of art. Here, thc newly cleaned and restored fresco is presented in all its powerful complexity and brilliant color. The 150 magnificent full-color images show the work both in its entirety and in many splendid close-up details.

35835Micro C OS II

35836Micro C/OS - II

35837Micro, meso, macro : addressing complex systems couplings

In the domain of science concerned with systems structure and behavior, the issue of the relationship between the micro and the macro level is of key importance. This book concentrates on the interplay between these levels and has a special focus on the level "in between" -- the meso level.An investigation of those links is made through a number of cases from different domains of science, including physics, chemistry, ecology, social science, economics and technology. What is evident is that there are facets regarding meso-level issues that are similar between cases, but also that the domains differ in various ways.

35838Microalbumin niệu và một số yếu tố liên quan người bệnh đái tháo đường type 2 tại Bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Đắk Lắk năm 2016

Nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang thực hiện trên 191 người bệnh đái tháo đường type 2 được chẩn đoán theo tiêu chuẩn của Hiệp hội đái tháo đường Hoa Kỳ 2015. Muc tiêu: xác định tỷ lệ đạm niệu ở người bệnh đái tháo được type 2 và một số yếu tố liên quan tại bệnh viện đa khoa tỉnh Đắk Lắk năm 2016.

35839Microarray – Công nghê hữu ích trong nghiên cứu về gen

Cung cấp thông tin về sự phát triển gần đây của công nghệ DNA microarray và ứng dụng của nó.

35840Microarray gene expression data analysis: A beginner's guide

This guide covers aspects of designing microarray experiments and analysing the data generated, including information on some of the tools that are available from non-commercial sources. Concepts and principles underpinning gene expression analysis are emphasised and wherever possible, the mathematics has been simplified. The guide is intended for use by graduates and researchers in bioinformatics and the life sciences and is also suitable for statisticians who are interested in the approaches currently used to study gene expression.