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Statistics: 10th ed.

Tên sách đính kèm: Statistics: 10th ed.

Tác giả: James T. McClave, Terry Sincich

Vật mang tin: CD
Mã phân loại: 519.5
Ký hiệu: 36889
Nhà xuất bản: Prentice Hall
Số ĐKCB: 36889
Năm xuất bản: 2006
Chuyên ngành: Tiếng Hàn Du lịch
Ngôn ngữ: English
Nơi lưu trữ: 03 Quang Trung
Từ khóa: Statistics, statistics methods
Chủ đề: Statistics methods
Tóm tắt:

This book presents balanced coverage of the theory and application of statistics while enhancing students' critical thinking skills. It teaches students how to analyze data that appear in situations in the world around them--almost all of the examples and exercises are based on current, real-world applications pulled from journals, magazines, news articles, and commerce. This text shows students that knowledge of statistics is important to their own lives.

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